Multi Chamber Business Expo & Mixer - Garré Vineyard & Winery
Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Attendee - Admission is no charge
Exhibitors - Register and Pay
$400 LVCC and Participating Chamber Members
$500 Not-Yet Members
Includes 6' draped table and 2 chairs. Your logo posted on event program; Showcase your products or services; advertise open positions; donate a prize and receive mic time to promote your business during the event; network and connect with current, past and not-yet customers.
Food and Beverage Vendors - No Charge, Contact [email protected]
Provide food or beverage samples for approximately 150 attendees; your logo posted on promotional materials, highlight your menu to attract customers. Electrical access is limited. Contact [email protected] for details and to register.
Event Sponsorships Available - Contact [email protected]
Cabernet $3,500
Your logo on event bags, One 6-foot exhibit table & 2 chairs with optional tablecloth (if needed), event banner with your logo featured, pre and post event recognition, your logo on all marketing materials and promotions, podium time or microphone during program, KKIQ radio spot recognition.
Merlot $2,500
One 6-foot exhibit table & 2 chairs with optional tablecloth (if needed) event banner with your logo featured, pre and post event recognitions, your logo on all marketing materials and promotions, business introduction at the event.
Chardonnay $2,000
One 6-foot exhibit table & 2 chairs with optional tablecloth (if needed), event banner with your logo featured, pre and post events recognition, your logo on all marketing materials and promotion

Join us for a Multi-Chamber Indoor Business Expo & Mixer this month! Located in the beautiful Livermore Valley Wine region at Garré Vineyard & Winery. Interested in attracting more corporate business to your company? Are you in the market to purchase services or supplies from local businesses? Attend the Business Expo & Mixer to check-out a range of local vendors that can meet your company's needs. Savor an incredible evening with food and beverage provided by local businesses.
This is networking at its best - with entertainment, food and beverages samples. Spend your evening with us!
Attendee - Admission is no charge
Exhibitors - Register and Pay
$400 LVCC and Participating Chamber Members
$500 Not-Yet Members
Includes 6' draped table and 2 chairs. Your logo posted on event program; Showcase your products or services; advertise open positions; donate a prize and receive mic time to promote your business during the event; network and connect with current, past and not-yet customers.
Food and Beverage Vendors - No Charge, Contact [email protected]
Provide food or beverage samples for approximately 150 attendees; your logo posted on promotional materials, highlight your menu to attract customers. Electrical access is limited. Contact [email protected] for details and to register.
Event Sponsorships Available - Contact [email protected]
Cabernet $3,500
Your logo on event bags, One 6-foot exhibit table & 2 chairs with optional tablecloth (if needed), event banner with your logo featured, pre and post event recognition, your logo on all marketing materials and promotions, podium time or microphone during program, KKIQ radio spot recognition.
Merlot $2,500
One 6-foot exhibit table & 2 chairs with optional tablecloth (if needed) event banner with your logo featured, pre and post event recognitions, your logo on all marketing materials and promotions, business introduction at the event.
Chardonnay $2,000
One 6-foot exhibit table & 2 chairs with optional tablecloth (if needed), event banner with your logo featured, pre and post events recognition, your logo on all marketing materials and promotion

Participating Chambers