Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

About Us

For more than 60 years, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has applied science and technology to make the world a safer place.

Livermore’s defining responsibility is ensuring the safety, security and reliability of the nation’s nuclear deterrent. Yet LLNL’s mission is broader than stockpile stewardship, as dangers ranging from nuclear proliferation and terrorism to energy shortages and climate change threaten national security and global stability. The Laboratory’s science and engineering are being applied to achieve breakthroughs for counterterrorism and nonproliferation, defense and intelligence, energy and environmental security.
Our Mission

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has a mission of strengthening the United States’ security through development and application of world-class science and technology to:

Enhance the nation’s defense.
Reduce the global threat from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction.
And respond with vision, quality, integrity and technical excellence to scientific issues of national importance.

Our Vision

Lead the nation in stockpile science, innovation and sustainment.
Be the foremost national security laboratory, anticipating, innovating and delivering solutions for the nation’s most challenging security problems.
Be the premier destination for our nation’s very best scientists and engineers.


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Rep/Contact Info

Chung Bothwell
Richard Rankin
Scott Wilson
Community Relations Officer