Livermore-Pleasanton Elks Lodge
Family, Community & Civic OrganizationsCommunity Organizations/Non-ProfitsCommunity Organizations/Non-ProfitsEvent Planning, Facilities, & Services
- 940 Larkspur Dr. Livermore CA 94551
- (925) 455-8829
- (925) 447-5520
- Send Email
- Livermore-Pleasanton Elks Lodge
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Driving Directions:
Exit First Street / Springtown Blvd exit off of highway 580, Head North to Springtown, pass Bluebell Drive, then take the 1st right into the parking lot
About Us
The Elks have provided 50 years of dedicated service to the local community Youth Programs, Hospitalized Veterans and Handicapped Children. The Fraternal Lodge also has many social functions for its members and guests. The Elks National Organization's mission is to include the principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity.
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