Zone 7 Celebrates 25-Year Directors Award for Excellence in Water Quality Efforts and Honors Water Professionals

As California celebrates its eighth annual Water Professionals Appreciation Week, Zone 7 Water Agency is proud to highlight not only the dedicated water professionals behind the scenes but also a prestigious milestone: receiving the 25-Year Directors Award from the Partnership for Safe Water for our Del Valle Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This award underscores the hard work, expertise, and commitment of the Zone 7 team in delivering high-quality drinking water to our community.
Zone 7 is one of only twelve utilities nationwide to receive this award, which recognizes utilities that demonstrate a long-standing commitment to water quality, surpassing regulatory standards. Our Del Valle WTP has been participating in the Partnership for Safe Water Program since 1998, and this award highlights the ongoing efforts of our staff to optimize operations and protect public health.
Water Professionals Appreciation Week provides a special opportunity to acknowledge the essential role of these skilled individuals—operators, chemists, engineers, and other specialists—who ensure that our water treatment facilities run smoothly around the clock. "I am proud to have a dedicated and professional team of operators who monitor and adjust our water treatment facilities, ensuring we consistently deliver safe drinking water that meets or exceeds our goals," said Rich Gould, Zone 7 Operations Manager.
In 2020, the Del Valle WTP was upgraded with a state-of-the-art ozonation system, further enhancing its ability to provide safe, reliable drinking water to the Livermore-Amador Valley. The 25-Year Directors Award is a testament to the dedication of Zone 7’s water professionals, whose hard work ensures that our water meets rigorous quality standards.
As we celebrate Water Professionals Appreciation Week, we encourage the community to take a moment to recognize the efforts of water professionals throughout California. Their work, especially during times of drought and a pandemic, is vital in maintaining the safe and reliable water services we depend on.
Be sure to visit  and follow us on social media for more information about our amazing staff, the essential role they play, and how you can join the water industry in California. There are so many careers in water, from district managers to treatment plant operators and engineers, all working together to keep water flowing to homes and businesses.
For engaging videos about our water quality, treatment process, and the people who make it all possible check out our YouTube playlist.
If you see Zone 7 workers out in the community, take a moment to say “thank you” for ensuring we all have access to high-quality drinking water every day.
Photos Courtesy Zone 7 Water Agency:

  1. Board Photo PSW Award – Staff presents the 25-Year Directors Award to the Zone 7 Board of Directors at the September 18 Board Meeting
About Zone 7 Water
Zone 7 Water Agency is one of the 10 active zones of the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. The District was established by the State Legislature in October 1949 to solve problems of flooding, drainage, channel erosion and water supply and conservation in Alameda County. In 1957, by popular vote, Zone 7 became a special district governed by a seven-member board of directors. Along with flood protection, Zone 7 supplies water to all of eastern Alameda County and a population of over a quarter million residents. Treated water is sold wholesale to local retailers, including the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, the Dublin San Ramon Services District, and the California Water Service Company. Zone 7 also distributes untreated water to local agriculture operations and golf courses.